We help clients onboard genetic sensors

Limited by HPLC screens?

10X your high-throughput screening workflow for faster
strain and enzyme engineering

What are genetic sensors?

Genetic sensors are proteins that bind to specific small molecules  and activate gene expression within a cell or cell-free context. By wiring sensors to activate GFP expression, they can be used as "reagents" to convert virtually any target molecule into an easily detectable fluorescent signal.

Accelerate your screening workflow

Genetic sensors can be used in pre-screens using fluorimeters or microfluidics to reduce load on chromatography-based instruments.

How we can help.

Screen for your target compound and nothing else. Identify rare genetic variants while avoiding the false positives and false negatives that plague indirect screens.

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Feasibility analysis

We assess the feasibility of building genetic sensors for your molecules of interest in your desired context and deliver detailed reports on candidate sensors to build and test.

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Genetic design

After candidate sensors have been identified, we generate designs that either establish or improve reporter plasmids that link your target molecule into a fluorescent or growth-based readout.

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Sensor panels

We provide a panel of 96 generalist sensors that our clients can screen in-house to identify sensors responsive to the target molecule, which may be further refined for improved specificity and/or sensitivity.
